domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

Urban gardens are experiencing a growing interest among both young and elder people

The relatively new phenomenon of the urban garden is increasing people’s interest in city surroundings. The pleasure of accessing fresh food and the possibility of being able to take it directly to the table is revolutionizing the habits of young and old.

The urban garden involves a relatively economical investment, not to forget that in the long term it will save a few pounds in the shopping basket, a rise of quality and a better taste of the food.

A small orchard is only possible by having a rather sunny terrace and a raised container of small size with cultivatable earth. Five or six hours of light would be enough to make the vegetables grow. It is also advisable that the container has a southerly orientation to let the vegetables enlarge properly.

One of the easiest things to grow is lettuce. They are harvested the whole year and they have a short growth cycle. Lettuce has little nutritional value, but high water content. It is also rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B9 and K. Furthermore, it also contains several minerals like phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and amino acids. The external green leaves are those with most iron and vitamin C.

How the urban garden must be watered

A proper watering of the urban orchard is also important because a lack or an excess of water might lead to pests and illnesses. A tap nearby is always recommended, especially in summer when it is advisable to water the urban garden every day. The best indicator that one is watering well is the humidity of the ground and the way the growing vegetables look. 

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