martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Kiwis and water melons are great at helping to strengthen our ability to breath

Both fruits, kiwis and water melons, when included in our diets are the perfect help for our respiratory systems, because of the amount of vitamins and minerals they have.

Water melon, as well as peach, can help our respiratory system to recover. Therefore, it is especially useful for those suffering from asthma, bronchitis, etc. Not to mention that water melon also reduces high blood pressure, because it contains a really low percentage of sodium.

People who are constantly catching colds should eat kiwis periodically, as well as those suffering from conjunctivitis, because of its high percentage of vitamin C, much higher than in oranges.
In fact, two kiwis a day, which are best taken in two separate meals, provide the perfect daily supply of vitamin C for the human body. On the other hand, among its multiple properties, water melon also reduces liquid retention. Furthermore, it helps to prevent prostate and stomach cancer. Nevertheless, there are several studies from Oslo University that also indicate that including kiwi in our diet prevents cancer and cardiovascular illnesses.

If you are interested in knowing more details about the properties of fruits and vegetables, you shouldn’t miss “Fruits de la vida” by Pilar Senpau.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

"Eat, pray, Love". Elizabeth Gilbert

Literary criticism

The memoir "Eat, pray, love" has been highly criticized by literary critics, although it is rather engaging and entertaining.

The novel is based on the story of Elisabeth Gilbert, a successful professional who, at 32 years old, finds herself in the middle of a personal crisis. After a devastating divorce and a failed new relationship, she decides to take a year off hoping to find balance and some happiness. Thus, she takes up an enviable journey around the world, stopping in Italy, India and Indonesia.

Because of the rewarding experience of travelling, the main character is able to find some pleasure rather early, in her first stop in Italy. In the amazing city of Rome, she suddenly finds herself beginning to enjoy simple things like tasting the splendid Italian gastronomy, spending some time with amazing people and studying the charming local language. Subsequently, after a radical change of lifestyle in India focusing on spirituality, she decides to end the year in Bali, where surprisingly she finds balance and furthermore meets who could be a potential life companion

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Almonds, parsley, chickpeas, cockles and endives help strengthen your bones

It is commonly known that drinking milk and consuming cheese, like parmesan, and yogurts bring calcium to the bones, but other food like almonds, parsley, chickpeas, cockles and endives can also help us to have strong and healthy bones.

Furthermore, introducing foodstuffs in our diet such as beans, cocoa powder, mussels, chocolate, walnuts and peanuts also transport calcium to our skeleton. The most important thing is having a balanced diet.

Additionally, black sesame is also recommended by bone' specialists. It can be mixed with yogurt or even in a green salad, depending on preference. Black sesame has a nice taste and, what’s more, it is really healthy.

Specifically, experts state that men and women need between 500 and 800 milligrams of calcium a day, whereas, teenagers need 1000 milligrams and children between 400 and 900, depending on age.

Eating healthily and having a balanced diet will prevent us from developing further illnesses and the appropriate average of calcium will definitely be positive for our bones. On the contrary, if someone feels that a healthy diet is not enough, they should go to the doctor to check if they need extra help. A common extra supplement for someone who, for instance, has had an injury and has worn a plaster for a long time could be calcium pills with vitamin D. Not all the calcium percentage we swallow is absorbed by our metabolism, therefore these pills just act to help our body to take the majority of it in specific situations where we need extra help. But again, just remember to ask first your specialist, before buying any kind of pills! 

domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

Incluir frutas y verduras en nuestra dieta ayuda a prevenir enfermedades

Expertos, como la Dra. Riobó, sostienen que las frutas y verduras, el vino tinto, el té y el cacao, así como otras sustancias antioxidantes y la fibra nos ayudan a prevenir enfermedades como el cáncer.
Riobó, especialista en endocrinología y nutrición, afirma que los cereales integrales, así como frutas y verduras frescas, pueden ser consideradas “protectoras”, debido a su alto contenido en fibra, vitaminas y otras sustancias de acción antioxidante. La autora, además de tener especial cuidado con qué alimentos ingerimos, también recomienda hacer deporte diario, como método de prevención del cáncer.

El libro publicado por dicha doctora y Sergio Arola, “Comer bien para combatir el cáncer. Consejos útiles y recetas fáciles y prácticas”, incluye recetas y consejos saludables para mantenernos sanos y actuar para prevenir posibles patologías que puedan dañar nuestras células. La publicación puede ser encontrada en bibliotecas públicas.

Entre las deliciosas recetas que presenta el libro de la Dra. Pilar Riobó y Sergio Arola, prestigioso cocinero y antiguo alumno de Ferran Adrià y Pierre Gagnaire, destacan originales recetas como las siguientes:

- El carpaccio de piña y helado de coco (pág. 151).

Los melocotones guisados con nueces (pág. 163).

Y otras recetas muy refrescantes, de intuitiva y fácil preparación, como  la sopa de melón mentolada y el granizado de pomelo rojo.