domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018

Review: The Power of Intention. Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way

The book cover
The Power of Intention. Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
by DR. WAYNE W. DYER (September 2010).

Summary of the book
In this work , Dr. Wayne W. Dyer presents us with the invisible but powerful force of the concept called intention. That is to say, the energy in the universe which we all participate in and which allows us to carry out the act of creating. Dyer also teaches how knowing about intention people can approach the concept of happiness. In this book, the author exemplifies this abstract principle by clarifying real stories.

Personal opinion
I think that Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s thought is most interesting by the concept of change that he always exposes in his books and conferences. In "The Power of Intention", he shows us that having a peaceful life is always possible thank to the idea of intention, even though sometimes we feel under stress because of work, the current economical situation, because of the credit crunch or the whole idea of the capitalist society.

I believe it is a relief reading that, according to the author, we can reach happiness and peace in any circumstance just by being connected to this superior source he calls intention (a concept which some people call mother Nature, God, superior energy, etc) to which we belong and which can always show us the path we have to follow by only just being receptive to listening to it. He believes that this force already has all we need and it will give everything to us in the appropriate way and time, so we can accomplish the mission and purpose we have been created for. Furthermore, Dyer also thinks that, ironically, when someone stops asking for and needing more things, they begin receiving more than they wanted.

I also think that the idea of counterweight is very constructive. From his point of view, the Doctor states that the good energy of positive people ends up by counteracting the pessimism of others with always negative ideas in mind. Specifically, Dyer advises staying away not only from the negativism and pessimism, but also from television violence and consumerism and he insists on the idea that one should approach a spiritual way of life which can offer even more.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

"El arte de amar". Erich Fromm


The Art of Loving
es un tratado científico sobre el amor. En la presente obra, Fromm presenta el amor como un arte, resultado de un valioso y constante aprendizaje que como tal requiere esfuerzo y dedicación. Lo describe como un rasgo de madurez de la naturaleza humana que puede manifestarse de distintas maneras: amor de pareja, fraternal, filial, a Dios, a uno mismo, etc. De hecho, no lo entiende esencialmente como un concepto vinculado a una relación con otra persona. Afirma que es una “actitud”, “una orientación del carácter que determina el tipo de relación de una persona con el resto del mundo en su totalidad” (pág. 67), sin necesidad de ser vinculado con el sujeto amado. Es por ello que el autor no sólo profundiza en el amor romántico, sino en todas sus posibles y vastas manifestaciones. 

La bella concepción de Fromm sobre el amor maduro implica que éste nazca de la libertad, un concepto alejado de cualquier dominación o sentimiento posesivo. Además, estará siempre vinculado al respeto, la responsabilidad y el conocimiento profundo.

Según el autor, a partir del amor el ser humano satisface su necesidad innata de alejarse de la "separatidad" (que se podría traducir en soledad), como “realización del anhelo de la unión psicológica” (pág. 52), sin perder la propia individualidad. Para el pensador, el arte de amar implica una actitud constructiva, positiva y de esfuerzo constante que debe realizar el ser humano si desea alejarse de la enajenación que puede provocar el sistema

¿Es la respuesta al gran problema de la existencia humana?

martes, 13 de marzo de 2018

El silenci dels arbres


“No amaguis el so. Que la música arribi on acaba el silenci dels arbres” 
(pàg. 134).

“Si saps escoltar, podràs sentir, amagats entre les notes, el vent, l’aigua, la llum, l’escalfor que van nodrir els arbres dels quals ha sortit el violí. (...) La música brolla. S’alça i es dispersa. (…) Com si fos una fulla, recull les llàgrimes i les diposita sobre la por per ofegar-la. Penetra. Dol. Cura". 
(pàg. 136).

En aquesta obra, Eduard Márquez presenta diverses històries entrellaçades, mitjançant una prosa gairebé poètica que sedueix al lector des de les primeres línies. El protagonista de la història, el violinista Andreas Hymer, torna a la seva ciutat, destruïda per la guerra, per tal de donar un concert i solidaritzar-se així amb els seus. Aquest, però, no és l’únic motiu del seu viatge... El músic pretén recuperar l’amor d’una dona i un violí que li pertany. A més, vol obtenir respostes que li serviran per tancar incògnites del seu passat. 

Es tracta d’una novel·la que es llegeix amb facilitat, tot i que, darrera la presumpta senzillesa i espontaneïtat de les seves paraules, trobem una obra d’estil més aviat sobri i molt ben estructurada.

Més enllà de ser una novel·la romàntica, El silenci dels arbres ens parla sobre les misèries, la destrucció i la fam que comporta la guerra, destacant la serenor que genera la música i les emocions que suposa retrobar-se amb la persona estimada. Diversos crítics l’han catalogat com una versió contemporània del mite d’Orfeu, una paràbola sobre la força de l’amor i el poder de la música.

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

Review: The Grass Harp by Truman Capote

The Grass Harp
By Truman Capote

Summary of the book

Published on October the 1st, 1951, The Grass Harp is known as Truman’s Capote favourite novel. The story tells of an orphaned boy, Collin Fenwick, who moves with his aunts (Dolly and Verena) to the country and decides to observe life, with some other friends and relatives from a tree house.

Personal opinion

Capote depicts the noblest values of freedom, real friendship and care for
Mother Nature, behind a supposedly simple story. Above all, this is a narrative that shows how little we need to reach happiness.Narrated in a rather poetic style that will delight readers, the author shares with his followers all his sensibility and admiration for Nature and human relationships. For all main characters, the grass harp is symbolized by the field around the tree cottage, which would be able to tell all kind of secrets if it could become a human voice.I think this work will be appreciated by those who like poetic narrative and detailed descriptions about landscapes and the beauty of freedom.It is alleged that Capote was inspired by a tree house he enjoyed in his childhood, which was located in his cousin’s backyard.

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

Jay Kordich recovered from a serious illness by drinking freshly pressed raw vegetables and fruit juices

Kordich, author of “El poder de los zumos” was able to get over a life-threatening illness merely by taking a daily dose of fruit and raw vegetables.

The book, published by Emecé and available in public libraries, details hundreds of recipes concerning vegetables and fruits best suited to combating different health situation. However, it advises that it is better not to mix vegetables and fruits, except for apples and carrots, which can be blended with any ingredients.

He particularly recommends the consumption of strawberries to cleanse the body of toxins and overcome the effects of pollution. Furthermore, the author adds that citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemon and grapefruit are a marvellous source of vitamin C, which has to be replenished daily, because the body doesn’t retain it.

On the other hand, some vegetables such as celery can be mixed with apple and carrots to fight against the effects of migraines. For those who find the taste of different raw vegetables too strong, he suggests adding a quarter of a litre of water until you get used to the flavour.

Diabetics should follow medical recommendations, but for those who are able to take good daily doses, drinking freshly pressed juices each day is a reliable way of providing the body with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to protect human cells against diseases and premature aging!